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CardioVisions & EasyABPM Software

CardioVisions and EasyABPM are Windows-based software package for analyzing recorded blood pressure and ECG data.
CardioVisions manages all Meditech Holter monitors, and it is suitable both for busy general practitioners, who need a one-page report only and also for researchers, who dive deep into data. EasyABPM offers easy and quick ABPM-analysis solutions for Meditech ABPM-04, ABPM-05 and ABPM-06 ambulatory blood pressure monitors.

Unlimited software options
Both CardioVisions and EasyABPM offer all-inclusive software options to each monitor you have, no matter if the monitor has been purchased as a part of a full kit or a recorder package only.

Unlimited number of PCs
Install either CardioVisions or EasyABPM to any PC for free. The number of the involved PCs are unlimited, no extra charges arise.

Free upgrades
Receive and use the latest developments for free.

Cardiovisions manages all Meditech ambulatory blood pressure and ECG monitors (such as ABPM-04, ABPM-05, ABPM-06, card(X)plore/Bluetooth, apneABP, CardioMera, CardiUP!3/12, CardioTens, CardioBlue, CardioBlue24, CardioClip, BlueBP-05, ABPM-03).

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